Pelvic Support Garments
EVB Sport Pelvic Floor Support Garments for Women
An Irish sportswear company the EVB Sport develops and manufactures unique support briefs, shorts and leggings for women living through the different stages of their lives. The EVB Sport Support Garments are especially designed to provide uplifting compression and reassuring comfort to pelvic floor and core muscles that are constantly tested and challenged by high demands of daily lives and active lifestyles.
EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments
- Pelvic Support Boxer Briefs
- Pelvic Support Shorts
- Pelvic Support Capri Leggings
- Pelvic Support Long Leggings
- Activewear Body-Sculping Textured Leggings without pelvic support pannels for use with EVB Boxer Briefs and EVB Shorts
The EVB Sport Support Garments are Pelvic Floor Support Garments. The EVB Sport Support Garments provide upward compression and supporting lift to the pelvic floor, ensuring pelvic floor integrity and correct positioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs at times of normal daily routines as well as during strenuous activities and vigorous exercise, such as running, jumping, lifting and more. Designed to perform as effective pelvic floor support garments, the EVB Sport briefs, shorts and leggings minimise the negative effects of impact generated during activities on pelvic floor, pelvic organs and core muscles.
The EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments prevent pelvic floor muscle straining and over-tiring caused by the woman’s own attempts to protect her pelvic and abdominal organs from downward displacement or when trying to stop urine leakage or other symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction from occurring.
The wearers of the EVB Pelvic Sport Support Garments enjoy noticeable reduction of embarrassing incontinence symptoms, troublesome prolapse symptoms and a relief from disabling pelvic and abdominal discomfort and lower back pain. 9 out of 10 wearers of the EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments report a feeling of great confidence, when wearing their pelvic support garment.
The EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments have been designed by an engineer founder of the EVB Sport company, Yvonne Brady, a mother of 3 and a life time active enthusiast of long distance running. Yvonne initially designed the support garments to help herself to return to demanding sporting activities after the birth of her children without worries of suffering embarrassing symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction publicly.
The EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments are designed and constructed to mimic and preserve the basic function of the pelvic floor – namely the physical support pelvic floor gives to the pelvic and abdominal organs, helping them to stay in correct stable positions and work well. The EVB Sport Support Garments are now being worn daily by women all over the world, helping them to stay active and healthy during all stages of life.
Pelvic Floor Overview
Pelvic floor muscles are endurance muscles that enable women to lead active lives by holding their abdominal organs in place and appropriately functioning. Pelvic floor resembles a hammock-like structure that supports pelvic and abdominal organs and controls many of their functions. To effectively support and control the functions of pelvic organs, pelvic floor muscles must be strong and tight. Events such as pregnancy and childbirth and menopause as well as obesity, chronic constipation, chronic cough or sneezing, pelvic injuries, pelvic surgery, etc. can compromise the strength, endurance and functionality of pelvic floor muscles, leading to the development of urinary incontinence and even pelvic organ prolapse.
Pelvic Floor Related Health Issues in Women
Pelvic floor dysfunction is common amongst women and is strongly associated with childbirth and aging. Women of all ages can develop pelvic floor related health issues, including urinary and faecal incontinence, painful bladder syndrome and pelvic organ prolapse with associated discomfort, bloating, bulging and back pain. The risk of pelvic floor related problems in women is propelled by many factors (i.e. hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause, vaginal childbirth, parity status, chronic cough, propensity to constipation, obesity, occupation related factors, lifestyle choices, etc.) and increases with age:
Center for Pelvic Health, University of Chicago Medicine Department reports via the US National Institute of Health the following statistics for prevalence of pelvic health disorders in women:
- 10% of women aged 20 – 39 suffer with pelvic health issues
- 27% of women aged 40 - 59 suffer with pelvic health issues
- 37% of women aged 60 – 79 suffer with pelvic health issues
The above figures clearly show that pelvic health issues are common in women of all ages with prevalence increasing with age.
Pelvic Floor Muscles Role
Pelvic floor muscles help to prevent urinary and faecal leakage caused by the increase in abdominal pressure during vigorous exercise, running, jogging or lifting or just simply coughing, sneezing or laughing. Weak pelvic floor muscles lead to pelvic floor dysfunction as they cannot cope well with changes in abdominal pressure, resulting in urine leakage and leading to more severe symptoms of incontinence. Additionally, when pelvic floor muscle weakness starts to develop, pelvic floor begins to lose its strength and tightness and begins to drop, pulling down one or more pelvic organs, causing them to prolapse.
Strong pelvic floor is evidently essential to lifelong continence and prevention of prolapse. Pelvic floor exercises – also called Kegel exercises - can help to keep pelvic floor strong and tight. It is therefore of paramount importance that women of all ages perform Kegel exercises regularly and diligently every day and especially at times of greater vulnerability, such as after childbirth and around and after the menopause.
Additionally, providing extra support to the pelvic floor with upward compression and lift at times of increased stress on the pelvic floor muscles (i.e. during exercise, short and long-distance running, sports training, weightlifting, other types of straining activities, when chronically constipated, when suffering with chronic cough or sneezing, after childbirth, after pelvic surgery, etc.) is crucial. Upward compression and lift can provide support, comfort and reassurance, reduce muscular stress and help to prevent embarrassing pelvic floor dysfunction events linked to pelvic floor weakness (i.e. urinary leakage, discomfort caused by prolapse) from arising.
EVB Sport Solution – the EVB Sport Pelvic Support Garments
EVB Sport designs pelvic floor support garments that provide the lift, upward compression and support to the pelvic floor, ensuring correct positioning of the pelvic organs during normal daily activities and especially at times of strenuous activities or vigorous exercise, such as running, jumping, lifting and more. The EVB Sport pelvic floor support garments prevent pelvic floor muscle straining and over-tiring caused by attempts to protect the pelvic and abdominal organs from downward displacement or when responding to symptoms of incontinence or prolapse.
The wearers of the EVB Sport pelvic floor support garments enjoy significant reduction in continence problems, prolapse symptoms and pelvic discomfort every day.