Vaginal and Anal Probes for EMG and STIM
Stimulation Probes and Baloon Probes introduction
Stimulation probes, including vaginal and anal probes, play a crucial role in pelvic floor therapy, helping manage conditions such as urinary incontinence and pelvic pain. These probes work with electrical stimulation (STIM) and electromyography (EMG) to enhance muscle re-education. Commonly used in clinical settings and at home, the stimulation probes play important roles in improving pelvic floor muscle tone, addressing prolapse symptoms and supporting post-childbirth rehabilitation. Varieties include nickel-free probes for sensitive users, balloon probes for pressure biofeedback and specialised stimulation probes, such as Periform and Anuform for targeted pelvic floor rehabilitation therapy. Proper hygiene and user instructions are essential for effective and safe use of these single user medical devices.
Stimulation Probes for EMS Biofeedback and Pelvic Floor Stimulation
Balloon Probes for Pressure Biofeedback
Important points to remember about Vaginal and Anal Stimulation Probes
- Stimulation probes - anal probes and vaginal probes - are for single users only. Stimulation probes are re-usable (by the probe owners only).
- The users must clean their own stimulation probe thoroughly with mild soap and water after each use. Stimulation probes are not autoclavable.
- User instructions are always enclosed with each stimulation probe. Stimulaition probes are always individually packed.
Stimulation probes - anal probes and vaginal probes - have universal 2 mm female connectors and can be used with different brands of EMG ETS STIM and pelvic floor stimulators, such as Nu-Tek EMG ETS STIM devices, BeacMed EMG ETS STIM devices and all brands of Pelvic Floor Stimulators.
*Stimulation probes and sensors can be purchased VAT free for personal use by people suffering relevant chronic problems.
Stimulation Probes - we offer a perfect choice of stimulation probes, both the anal stimulation probes and the vaginal stimulation probes for all your EMG biofeedback needs, EMG ETS STIM needs and pelvic floor stimulation needs. Please use the links above to individual product pages.