Incontinence Aids for Elderly Care
Care for the Elderly People frequently includes special care for people with all degrees of incontinence.
Caring for incontinent people is demanding and challenging and requires skills, patience, hard work and dedication.
- Preserving patient privacy and dignity, whilst delivering efficient care quickly and effectively presents a challenge all carers must meet and comply with.
- Selecting robust and durable products that offer comfort and efficacy to patients and durability and value for money to care homes are of crucial importance.
- Protecting patients’ health by preventing skin rashes and painful sores caused by prolonged exposure to urine by ensuring constant cleanliness, dryness and skin integrity are every day care goals.
In the Incontinence Aids section of Win Health Medical website, we present a selection of incontinence aids products designed to enhance continence care and can help the carers and nursing staff in performing daily care duties for their incontinent patients. We have carefully selected products that aim to enhance continence care efforts of the carers and improve patients’ dignity, whilst making caring duties easier and faster for the carers and more economical for the care institutions.
If you care for the incontinent person at home, you can purchase online for speed of the transaction. If you are buying on behalf of a care home, please contact us on 01835 864866 prior to purchase to set up an account.
Incontinence Aids presented here:
Incontinence Aids – aiming to improve incontinent people’s care at home and in care homes.