Fingertip Pulse Oximeters
Fingertip Pulse Oximeters for Home and Clinics
Pulse oximeters are widely used in clinics, hospitals, care institutions and at home.
Pulse Oximeters determine arterial oxygen saturation SpO2 in haemoglobin proteins in the blood. Pulse oximeters are practical health monitors for people suffering with respiratory problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, heart failure and other chronic illnesses, lung disorders and heart conditions. Pulse oximeters can be especially helpful for regular monitoring of oxygen levels during respiratory infections, such as pneumonia as well as at times of increased risk of seasonal respiratory infections, widespread epidemics, or pandemics.
Recent data suggests that pulse oximeter measurements are less accurate in people with darker skin tones. If this is relevant to you, we suggest consulting a doctor for an advice that is specific and appropriate to your personal circustances.
Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is an important indicator of respiratory function efficacy, because its value indicates percentage (%) of oxygen-loaded haemoglobin that is present in the arterial blood. Oxygen saturation (SpO2 %) indicates how much oxygen reaches the vital organs in the body. Low oxygen saturation value is a general indicator of underlying health problems, such as respiratory disease, asthma, and heart failure with symptoms of shortness of breath, increased heart rate, tiredness, anxiety and outbreaks of sweating. Low levels of oxygen can lead to medical emergency.
Normal oxygen saturation levels (SpO2 levels) are between 94 – 100%, whilst consistently abnormally low oxygen saturation levels below 90% can be medical emergency. Signs of oxygen deprivation include fatigue, dizziness, increased heart rate, anxiety, outbreaks of sweating, shortness of breath and difficulties breathing. Anyone experiencing such problems should urgently seeks medical advice or medical attention. When oxygen saturation is frequently acutely low, it requires monitoring under medical supervision, because it could lead to a development of life-threatening situation.
A condition during which body tissues and organs are deprived of sufficient oxygen supply is called hypoxia.
During Covid-19 pandemic, doctors observed cases of so called ‘silent hypoxia’ caused by coronavirus. In silent hypoxia, oxygen levels fall, but affected patients feel no symptoms or show no signs of something being wrong. This means that some coronavirus patients affected by silent hypoxia did not experience shortness of breath or coughing right until their oxygen levels fell to a point of acute respiratory distress and organ failure. To help detect people at home with oxygen levels falling to dangerous levels silently without symptoms, some doctors now recommend monitoring SpO2 levels at home with non-invasive fingertip pulse oximeters on regular basis.
Pulse oximeters are also useful to athletes, mountaineers, light aircraft pilots, glider pilots, divers and many others concerned to maintain their health and fitness.
In this section, we present a selection of affordable fingertip pulse oximeters for home and clinic use.
- Beurer PO 80 Pulse Oximeter
- Beurer PO 60 Pulse Oximeter
- Beurer PO 40 Pulse Oximeter
- Beurer PO 30 Pulse Oximeter
- Vascular Health Monitor
- OxyWatch Pulse Oximeter
Pulse oximeters check how efficiently is the heart pumping oxygen throughout the body. Pulse oximeters can be used to monitor overall health of people suffering with any type of health conditions, but are especially useful for people with respiratory problems. Pulse oximeters are small fingertip devices that are easy to use. Simply place the monitor on your index finger and press the button to measure. SpO2 results in % are displayed on the small display screen on the device.
Prior to using pulse oximeter, make sure the nail on your index finger is not long and remove nail varnish or a false nail. Also ensure that your hands are warm.
Pulse Oximeters – perfect easy to use devices to measure your SpO2 levels at home.